Auras Workshop Monthly Subscription Policy

Thank you for choosing the Auras Workshop Monthly Subscription! We strive to make your subscription experience smooth and enjoyable. Please take a moment to review our subscription policy below:

  1. Subscription Duration

    • The Auras Workshop Monthly Subscription is an ongoing service that renews automatically every month. You will receive a new bag each month, filled with curated items for just €20.
  2. Billing

    • You will be billed €20 on the same day each month, depending on your initial subscription date. Payments will be automatically processed using your chosen payment method.
    • If a payment fails, you will be notified, and we will attempt to process it again within 3 business days. If payment is still unsuccessful, your subscription may be paused until the issue is resolved.
  3. Shipping & Delivery

    • Your subscription bag will be shipped out within the first week of every month. Delivery times may vary depending on your location.
    • Standard shipping is included in the subscription price, but additional charges may apply for expedited or international shipping.
  4. Cancellations

    • You can cancel your subscription at any time. To avoid being charged for the upcoming month, please cancel at least 7 days before your next billing date.
    • If you cancel after your billing date, your subscription will be active for the current month, and you will receive your final bag before your subscription is officially cancelled.
  5. Returns & Refunds

    • Due to the personalized and consumable nature of the products, we do not accept returns on subscription bags. However, if an item arrives damaged or there is a problem with your order, please contact our support team within 7 days of receiving your package, and we will be happy to assist you.
    • Refunds will only be issued in the case of defective or damaged products, subject to review by our customer support team.
  6. Changes to Subscription

    • If you wish to change your shipping address, payment information, or pause your subscription, you can manage your account through our customer portal or by contacting us directly. Please ensure changes are made at least 7 days prior to your next billing date to avoid disruptions.
  7. Subscription Gifts

    • Subscription bags make a wonderful gift! You can choose to gift a subscription to someone special by providing their shipping details during the checkout process.
  8. Contact Us

    • For any questions or concerns regarding your subscription, please reach out to our customer service team at or call us at 99041849. We are here to help!

By subscribing to the Auras Workshop Monthly Subscription, you agree to the terms outlined in this policy. We look forward to bringing a little magic to your life every month!

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